News, Events 2003
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Holographic Three-dimensional Display for the Demonstration of Imaging Studies

Z. Harkanyi, T. Devai, T. Balogh
RAD exhibit presented at the 89th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America.
RSNA 2003, Chicago, Illinois, November 30 – December 5, 2003
RSNA website

2nd International Conference on Virtual Storytelling, Toulouse, France


Real 3D Angiography demonstrations with GE Medical Systems on the XIIth Annual Meeting of Hungarian Society of Neuroradiology


Hannover Trade Fair, Milestones in Innovation

HoloVizio was demonstrated in Hall no.18, section "Research and Development" booth A05, April 7-12.
 Hannover Trade Fare website

HoloVizio on ECR 2003, Vienna, Austria Center

HoloVizio was demonstrated with different radiological applications on GE Medical Systems booth (Hall EXPO B # 203, Austria Center), European Congress of Radiology, March 7-10, Vienna.
ECR website

HoloVizio was demonstrated, in Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, Berlin, 29-30. January 2003

HoloVizio was demonstrated in the framework of the "Workshop on Immersive Communication and Broadcast Systems, ICOB 2003" organized by IST, in Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, Berlin, 29-30. Jan. 2003.
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