Novel holographic display offering a natural 3D view
Holografika is a Hungarian company with more than 10 years experience
in holographic and high-end 3D imaging technologies. The holographic display
system developed by the company brings a new quality to 3D visualisation
by providing natural three-dimensional view. Compared to existing stereoscopic,
multi-view and volumetric technologies it represents a fundamentally new
approach to genuine 3D displays. The company recently launched its latest
32”, 16:9 3D monitor at the Hungarian Millennium Exhibition.
The display is based on novel electro-optic technology and fulfils
all criteria of a true 3D display. Viewers can look behind objects, see continuous
motion parallax in a large field of view and perceive depth as in normal
viewing. The company has filed several patents for the technology and has
been successful in obtaining state grants for its R&D programs covering
next generation holo-display arrangements. These will address 3D camera systems,
tracking devices, related hardware and software solutions including 3D formats,
and compression technologies to establish 3D platforms.
The technology developed by Holografika takes 3D displays beyond
the novelty stage. It is capable of producing displays and solutions that
can be used for professional applications, such as for medical, CAD, video
communication, air traffic control, entertainment and gaming and eventually
home entertainment.
Visitors will be able to see a number of demonstrations of the display’s
capabilities. These will include its use for Diagnostic Medical Imaging in
particular CT-MR acquired DICOM images, CAD, with a special focus on car
design, and Edutainment applications e.g. cultural heritage.
The display will also be used to show two other presentations. The
first traces the history of imaging from monochrome through colour and high
definition to 3D. The second shows the creation of first holographic 3D virtual
human, and examines the possibility of natural interactions between humans
and IT systems
Holografika is looking for appropriate partners from leading European
industrial and academic research centres, to take part in an Integrated Project
(IP) on quasi-holographic systems and their wider 3D hard/software environment.
It is also interested in discussing the business opportunities in this emerging
technology with potential investors.